*We are now located at 308 North Wall Street Calhoun GA 30701

What is Hospice?
Hospice is a philosophy of caring for those nearing the end of life. The goal of hospice is to improve the quality of life that remains by focusing on providing care of the patient and their family rather than curing the disease. Receiving hospice does not mean that death is imminent or that there is no hope. The sooner someone receives hospice care, the more opportunity there is to stabilize his or her medical condition. Patients may opt out of hospice if they have a change of heart and would like to try a new curative treatment or if their medical condition improves.
Who qualifies?
To qualify for hospice under Medicare and other insurers, a doctor must certify that the patient has a terminal illness with 6 months or less to live. It is hard for a doctor to put a specific timeline on the end of a patient’s life, but if you believe that you or someone you love is ready for hospice please contact us, and we will provide a free assessment.
Who pays?
Hospice is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and many other insurance providers who usually cover 100% of hospice care. Choosing hospice early allows the patient and their family to receive the maximum benefit of the services Homespun provides.

“Wendy Whittle helped educate me on the process while dealing with my mom. She was very kind and helped our family deal with hard decisions. She also helped with my mother in law. I would highly recommend her!”
I would HIGHLY recommend these people- Great People!”